14 September 2015

#GuavaSweat : Rope Yoga @ Samasthah

This morning, I woke up pretty early for a very exciting GuavaPass class. While it is Monday and most of you were battling the Monday Blues (and haze), I made my way down to 104 Amoy Street, for a class at Samasthah.

If you are wondering where in Singapore is Amou Street, a little Google Map help would not hurt. The nearest train station is the Blue (Downtown) Line - Telok Ayer Station. After which, it is about a 2 minutes walk from the MRT.

I was quite nervous at first. New studios/ surroundings ALWAYS make me nervous. There are also times when I actually booked a class and not turn up for it, even though I was right outside the studio because I had the jitters. Of course, that jitters cost me $20 cancellation fees so my advice is, GO FOR YOUR CLASSES!

What greeted me what a very bright and clean studio, almost new. In fact, it is new! Samasthah just turned 1 year old last July, so everything was well managed and they even recently have Hot Yoga in their smaller classroom.

As it was my first visit to Samasthah, I will need to fill up my particulars that took about 2 minutes - you know, just in case I got a heart attack from all the physical abuse in the classroom.

Lockers are provided for free but if you need a towel, there will be a charge of $0.50. I know how inconvenient it is to bring along a towel because it can get quite heavy when it is damp. An alternative is to use the towels provided from the studio at just a small fee!

There are two changing cubicle, two shower cubicle and two toilets in the studio. Shampoo and body soap are also provided so you literally need to just bring yourself and your yoga attire here!

A water dispenser for you thirsty Yogis! 

This is what the main classroom looks like. There are space for 8 for Rope Yoga in this room.

Rope Yoga - like the name, it means Yoga with Ropes. It was a physically demanding class that requires a lot of upper body strength which I have none of actually. I have mentioned this before - and I will say it again - anything that requires ANY upper body strength is a pain in my butt. But here is the real kicker - the only reason I am complaining and hating it so much is because it really engaged those muscles that I hate to condition and strengthen. I can fairly say I have better lower body than upper body strength though I cannot say so for my flexibility on my lower body (but I am working on that!!)

What I did today was mostly opening up of my chest, specifically for the upward facing dog and the downward facing dog pose. Sounds easy? It is not. 

I would really love to bring Yat for one of these Yoga classes one day because he always like to scoff it off and say things like "it's a girls thing". Urgh. It always annoys me when he says that because I honestly think this requires a different kind of strength than the ones he use in the gym (and more tiring too!!!). *angry face*

So anyway, it is a one hour class and other than Rope Yoga, they also have Chair Yoga and Zoo Yoga. If you would like to try them, give them a call or just go the easy way out like me and give GuavaPass a try and go for all these classes you have been dying to try! It is a good way for you to spice up your workout routine and not get bored while working out.

Though I have to say, throughout the class I was thinking "oh my god when are we finishing." I was sweating like crazy and it was definitely a good burn.

That... Plus a PBASIC class at Croyez and a Ganban Yoku Session at Anti-Oxidant right after makes it a really productive Monday for me. 

I will definitely try the Chair Yoga and Zoo Yoga from Samasthah by the end of the month so keep a lookout for my next #GuavaSweat post! 

Hope you guys had a fantastic Monday. I know I did!

You can check out my other #GuavaSweat posts HERE.

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